Seminar FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Please click on the question below that best matches your question.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I view or list certain events?

    • How do I list the events for today?

      The page listing the events for the current day can be found here. If you go to that page and the events are for the wrong day then there is a problem with the time on the server that makes these pages available.

    • How do I view the events for a specific day?

      The page that will allow you to specify a specific range of days can be found here. Specify the dates to search and click on the button. If you give the same date in both fields the events only for that one day will be returned.

    • How do I search for an event?

      The only search capabilities at this time are for a range of dates. Better search options are on the list of things to do.

  • How can I add or change an event?

    • How can I add a seminar?

      The page to add a seminar can be found here. Please note that you need to have sufficient permissions to add a seminar. If you are having trouble logging in please see the entry on logging in.

      If you would like to have your permissions changed to allow you to add a seminar please see the entry about permissions.

    • How can I add an email list to an event?

      If you are the person who first created an event then a link on the page that gives the full description of the event should appear that allows you to edit the email lists associated with the event. Note that you must be logged in to use this. (If you cannot log in please see the question about problems logging in.)

      The page will allow you to delete the email lists that are associated with the talk and allow you to add new email lists. When you submit a request to send an email about the talk the email will go to all people who are signed up for the email lists associated with the event.

    • I entered an event but it does not appear. What happened?

      There could be many reasons for this. First, make sure that you click through the confirmation page after submitting an event. Once you first type in the event information you are asked to confirm that the information is correct. For the information to be saved you must then click on the button to save the information as a confirmation.

      If you are sure that the information has been entered and confirmed then there may be a problem with the server. For example, the database may have a problem. If you think that this might be the case please contact the system administrator.

    • What is the deal with the comments?

      This is a way for people to post a comment or question about the talk. It is a way to give people a way to provide feedback. Unfortunately, this can be easily abused. We hope that the overall benefit will outweigh the abuses. We apologize for the trolls and only hope that you do not try to give them the attention that they are trying so hard to provoke. (i.e. do not feed the trolls.)

  • How do I sign up or log in?

    • Why do I keep getting the %@## login page?

      This is happening for one of three reasons. The first, most likely, explanation is that you are trying to access a page that you do not have permission to use. Whenever you try to access a page without the proper permissions it is assumed that you are not correctly logged in. The other reasons could be that you are giving the wrong email address or the wrong password.

      See the topic below for more information.

    • How come I cannot log in?

      You might not be giving the correct user name and password. It could also be that you are trying to access a page that you do not have permission to use. (Please see the topic above.)

      Another thing that can cause problems with logging in might be a problem with cookies. Your browser must be set to accept cookies from this site in order to use all of its features. There might also be a problem with cookies if someone else has tried to log in from your computer. You might want to try to force a logout to reset the cookies on your browser. (Click on the link to force a logout.)

      If you feel that the password that you are using is not correct then you can request that your password be changed on the log in page. (Click the link titled "Did you forget your password?") The page to reset your password can be found here. When you submit this request your password will be changed, and the new password is sent to your email address.

    • Why must I log in?

      The log in system is a minimal way to provide some security. Granted it is not a strong security system, but we need something in place to make sure that the ability to post events and comments is not abused.

    • What do you do with the information?

      The log in information is used to send out emails about events that are associated with your account. We do no not make your email address available to anyone else.

    • How do I sign up?

      A link to the sign up page can be found on the log in page. The page to create an account can be found here. When you sign up your password will be sent to the email address that you provided.

    • How come I never got my password?

      There could be many different reasons to explain this. First, the email may have been sent but you just have to wait a little longer for it to be delivered.

      Another reason might be that the wrong email address was given or you ran out of disk space with your email account. Another potential problem is that the email was sent but got marked as spam. Finally, there might be a problem with the server, and it was not able to send out the email. If you think that this might be the case please contact our system administrators and let them know what is happening.

      One thing you might want to try is to just reset your password. It could be that the email was sent but was not delivered. Resetting the password will give you a new password and an email will be resent.

    • How do I delete my account?

      You can delete your account by going to your personal preference page. The option to delete your account can be found at the bottom of the page. You will be asked to confirm whether or not you want to delete your account. Make sure that you click through this page to insure that you account is deleted.

  • How do I delete my account?

  • Please see the answer above.

  • How can I manage my email preferences?

    • What is an email list?

      An email list is a list of email addresses. (Real deep, eh!) When an email is sent out to announce an event a copy of the email is sent to everybody on the list. In order for you to receive the announcement your email address must be on the list. This is done by signing up for an email list on your personal preference page.

    • How do I change my email address?

      You cannot change your email address. You need to delete your account and then create a new account.

    • How do I add an email list to my subscriptions?

      You can associate your account with different email lists on your personal preference page. Near the top of the page pick the email list from the drop down list that you want to subscribe to and click on the "add" button.

    • How do I remove an email list to my subscriptions?

      You can associate your account with different email lists on your personal preference page. Near the top of the page click on the "Remove me from this list" button that is next to the email list that you no longer wish to be subscribed.

    • Can I create a new email list?

      If you have administrative privileges then you can add and delete email lists on the administrative pages. At the top of the page type in the name of the list that you want to create and click on the "add" button. You can delete a list using the drop down list just below the option to add.

  • How can I manage the email lists?

    • How do I create a new email list?

      Please see the answer above.

    • How do I delete an email list?

      Please see the answer above.

    • Can I add/remove another person to/from the email list?

      You cannot do this. The person has to subscribe herself.

    • How do I send an email?

      In order to be able to send an email about an event you must be the person who initially submitted the event. If you are the person who created the listing then go to the page that provides the long listing (click on the link titled "More Information" from the short listing) and look for the link titled " Send an email reminder." When you click on that link you will be asked to confirm that you want to send the email. You must click on the button entitled "Send and email Reminder" to send an email to each person subscribed to the list.

  • How can I add a comment?

    • How can I add a comment?

      Go to the long (or full) listing and click on the link titled "Add a note or comment." You will be sent to a page that will allow you to create a comment. You can preview your comment by clicking on the "Review Note" button. To make sure that your comment is saved make sure that you click on the "Submit" button.

    • Why have comments?

      I don't know. It just seemed like a good way to get feedback.

    • Do I have to reply?

      No. In fact, if you think that a comment is a troll then you should definitely not reply.

    • How do I add HTML tags to a comment?

      You cannot include html tags in a comment. They will get replaced if you do. This is to make sure that people do not post links or images that are not appropriate to these pages.

  • How do I manage the users?

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Original code developed by Kelly Black. Logo