%============================================================== % % unhthesis.cls % % Changes to unhthesis.sty % % Changes made by Kelly Black % I took the original unhthesis.sty file off of one of the cisunix % machines and made some changes. The result is a .cls file % % I borrowed some stuff from the U. Mass. cls file by Jamie Callan, % Carla Brodley, and Tony Hosking. From their comments it looks like % John Ridgway also took part in the development. % %============================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Identification part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{unhthesis}[2002/07/02 16:00:00 1.24 University of New Hampshire dissertation class] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Initial code %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newif\ifdouble@space \newif\ifcondensed@frontmatter \newif\ifnicer@draft \DeclareOption{10pt}{\def\@mysize{10pt}} \DeclareOption{11pt}{\def\@mysize{11pt}} \DeclareOption{12pt}{\def\@mysize{12pt}} \DeclareOption{singlespace}{\double@spacefalse} \DeclareOption{doublespace}{\double@spacetrue} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Execution of options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ExecuteOptions{12pt,doublespace%,uncondensed,dissertation,% }%nolisthyphenation,nonicerdraft} \ProcessOptions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Package loading %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \LoadClass[\@mysize]{report}[1996/01/02] \input unh11.sty\relax % Pick-up the pt size and attempt to %\input unh1\@ptsize.sty\relax % Pick-up the pt size and attempt to % % read in file: % "UNH1.STY" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Post-package-loading fixups. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \everyjob{\typeout{Document Style `UNHThesis'. Released 2 Jul 2002}} \immediate\write10{Document Style `UNHThesis'. Released 2 Jul 2002} \newenvironment{singlespace}{\baselineskip=0.0em}{\ifdouble@space\doublespacenormalsize\fi} \input{unhthesis\@mysize.clo} \hoffset -1in % Pull logical page back to the physical page \voffset 0in % edges. These are 'fudged' for the PrintServer % 40, but can change as the printer ages. % See the file: % % TEX$LATEX:UNHTHESIS_MARGIN_TEST.TEX % % for an example of how to adjust your final % output from within your THESIS.TEX file. % \oddsidemargin 1.500in % Bound side of page has 1.5 inch margin. \topmargin 0.500in % Header box is half inch from page top. \headheight 0.250in % Large enough for 11pt type. \headsep 0.250in % This should place body 1in from top of page. \textwidth 6.000in % 8.5 page width - \oddsidemargin. \textheight 9.000in % 11.0 page height - (1in top + 1in bot) \footskip 0.500in % Place bottom numbers 1/2 inch from bottom. \def\baselinestretch{1.7} \footnotesep=20pt % Increase LaTeX's default spacing between % footnotes. \def\tableofcontents{\@restonecolfalse\if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn \fi\chapter*{Table of Contents\@mkboth{TABLE OF CONTENTS}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}} \@starttoc{toc}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi} \pagenumbering{roman} % Set page numbering to small roman num. \pagestyle{myheadings} % Put only page numbers in the header. \@ifundefined{thechapter} % If chapter counter undefined; {} % then do nothing; {\def\thefigure % else define \thefigure format. {\thechapter-\arabic{figure}}} % \def\DOCUMENTtype#1{\gdef\@DOCUMENTtype{#1}} % Define \DOCUMENTtype{} \def\@DOCUMENTtype{} % This is the ALL CAPS version. % \def\Documenttype#1{\gdef\@Documenttype{#1}} % Define \Documenttype{} \def\@Documenttype{} % This is the mixed case version \def\documenttype#1{\gdef\@documenttype{#1}} % Define \documenttype{} \def\@documenttype{} % This is the lower case version % \def\prevdegrees#1{\gdef\@prevdegrees{#1}} % Define \predegrees{} \def\@prevdegrees{} % % \def\major#1{\gdef\@major{#1}} % Define \major{} % \def\degree#1{\setbox0\hbox{#1} % Define @degreeword depending \gdef\@degree{#1}} % upon how many degrees are \def\and{\gdef\@degreeword{degrees} % being earned. That way \par and \par} % we can correctly say either \def\@degreeword{degree} % 'degree' or 'degrees'. % \def\thesisdate#1{\gdef\@thesisdate{#1}} % Define \thesisdate{} % \def\degreemonth#1{\gdef\@degreemonth{#1}} % Define \degreemonth{} % \def\degreeyear#1{\gdef\@degreeyear{#1}} % Define \degreeyear{} \def\signatureblank#1 % Define a signature blank. {\hfill % Rubber space pushes this \parbox{4in} % paragraph box to the right. {\rule{0in}{0.75in}% % Build a strut, \hrulefill\null\\* % Make a signature blank {\large % Get a larger font. #1 % Put name/title under line. } % } % } % % \def\dateblank % Define a date blank. {\hfill % As signature blank above... \parbox{2.5in} % {\rule{0in}{0.75in}% % \hrulefill\null\\* % {\large Date % } % } % } % % % \newbox\@titlecommittee % Build box to hold several % committee member signatures. % \def\committee#1#2 % Define \committee{}{} {\setbox\@titlecommittee\vbox % {\unvbox\@titlecommittee % unwrap the vbox \par % skip down \begin{singlespace} % Get single space environment. \signatureblank{#1 \\ #2} % Do a signature line. \end{singlespace} % } % } % % \def\supervisor#1#2 % Define \supervisor{}{} {\gdef\@supervisorname{#1} % This is easier since there \gdef\@supervisortitle{#2} % is only one supervisor. } % % \def\UNH{UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE} % Short cuts for use in the \def\Unh{University of New Hampshire} % title page. % \def\titlepage{ % Define start of title page. \newpage\centering % Start a new page, center the text. \thispagestyle{empty} % Don't do headers or footers. \parindent 0pt % Don't indent 'paragraphs'. \parskip 10pt plus 1fil minus 1fil % Set spacing between 'paragraphs'. \def\baselinestretch{1} % Set spacing between lines. \@normalsize\vbox to % \vsize\bgroup\vbox to 9in\bgroup % } % \def\endtitlepage{ % Define end of title page \par\kern 0pt % \kern0pt pushes any depth into \egroup\vss\egroup % the height. (Thanks to MITTHESIS \newpage} % author and Richard Stone.) \def\maketitle{\begin{titlepage} \large \vspace*{0.375in} {\def\baselinestretch{1.2}\Large\bf \@title \par} \vspace*{\fill}\par BY \vspace*{\fill}\par {\Large \@author} \par \@prevdegrees \vspace*{\fill}\par \@DOCUMENTtype \vspace*{\fill}\par Submitted to the \Unh \\ in partial fulfillment of \\ the requirements for the \@degreeword\ of \vspace*{\fill}\par \@degree \par in \par \@major \vspace*{\fill}\par \@degreemonth\, \@degreeyear \vspace*{\fill} \vskip \baselineskip \end{titlepage}} \def\copyrightyear#1 % Define \copyrightyear{} {\gdef\@copyrightyear{#1} } \newcommand{\makecopyright} { \thispagestyle{empty} \vspace*{\fill} \begin{center} ALL RIGHTS RESERVED\\ \copyright \@copyrightyear\\ \@author \end{center} } \def\approvalpage {\thispagestyle{empty} % Don't do headers or footers. \newpage % Start a new page. \parindent 0pt % Don't indent 'paragraphs'. \parskip 10pt plus 1fil minus 1fil % Set spacing between 'paragraphs'. \@normalsize\vbox to \vsize\bgroup\vbox to 9in\bgroup } \def\endapprovalpage {\par\kern 0pt % As in title page. \egroup\vss\egroup } \def\makeapproval {\begin{approvalpage} \large \begin{singlespace} This \@documenttype\ has been examined and approved. \par \signatureblank{\@Documenttype\ director, \@supervisorname \\ \@supervisortitle } \par \unvbox\@titlecommittee \par \dateblank \end{singlespace} \vspace*{\fill} \end{approvalpage} } \def\dedication {\vspace*{0.5in} % Major sections have 1.5in top margins. \thispagestyle{plain} % Put the page number on the bottom. \chapter*{Dedication} % Don't change section counter or display it. \addcontentsline{toc} % But *do* put an entry for this page into {section}{Dedication} % the table of contents. \@normalsize % } % \def\enddedication{\par} \def\acknowledgments {\vspace*{0.5in} \thispagestyle{plain} \chapter*{Acknowledgments} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Acknowledgments} \@normalsize } \def\endacknowledgments{\par} \def\foreword {\thispagestyle{plain} \vspace*{0.5in} \chapter*{Foreword} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Foreword} \@normalsize } \def\endforeword{\par} \def\abstract {\small \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Abstract} \@normalsize } \def\endabstract{\par} \def\abstractpage {\newpage \thispagestyle{plain} \vspace*{0.5in} \begin{center} {\def\baselinestretch{1.2} \Large\bf ABSTRACT \par\par} {\large{\bf \@title} \\ by \\ \@author \\ } \def\baselinestretch{1}\@normalsize \Unh, \@degreemonth, \@degreeyear \end{center} \par \begin{abstract} } \def\endabstractpage {\end{abstract} \newpage } \newenvironment{Squote}% {\begin{singlespace}\begin{quote}}% {\end{quote}\end{singlespace}} \newenvironment{squotation}% {\begin{singlespace}\begin{quotation}}% {\end{quote}\end{singlespace}} {\catcode`\^^M=13 \gdef\@gobblecr{\@ifnextchar {\@gobble} {\ignorespaces} } } {\catcode`\ =\active \gdef\@vobeyspaces{\catcode`\ \active \let \@xobeysp} } \def\@xobeysp{\leavevmode{} } \begingroup \catcode `|=0 \catcode `[= 1 \catcode`]=2 \catcode `\{=12 \catcode `\}=12 \catcode`\\=12 |gdef|@xttytext#1\end{ttytext}[#1|end[ttytext]] |gdef|@sxttytext#1\end{ttytext*}[#1|end[ttytext*]] |endgroup \def\@sttytext{\obeyspaces\@ttytext} \def\@gobble#1{} \def\@ttytext { \trivlist \item[]\if@minipage\else\vskip\parskip\fi \leftskip\@totalleftmargin\rightskip\z@ \parindent\z@\parfillskip\@flushglue\parskip\z@ \@tempswafalse \def\par{\if@tempswa\hbox{}\fi\@tempswatrue\@@par} \obeylines \tt \catcode``=13 \@noligs \let\do\@makeother \dospecials } \def\ttytext { \begin{singlespace} \vskip -1em \small \@ttytext \frenchspacing\@vobeyspaces \@xttytext } \def\endttytext { \endtrivlist \normalsize \vskip -0em \end{singlespace}% } \@namedef{ttytext*}{\@ttytext\@sxttytext} \expandafter\let\csname endttytext*\endcsname =\endtrivlist \def\@makeother#1{\catcode`#112\relax} \def\TTY{\begingroup \catcode``=13 \@noligs \tt \let\do\@makeother \dospecials \@ifstar{\@sTTY}{\@TTY}} \def\@sTTY#1{\def\@tempa ##1#1{##1\endgroup}\@tempa} \def\@TTY{\obeyspaces \frenchspacing \@sTTY} \begingroup \catcode``=13 \gdef\@noligs{\let`=\@lquote} \endgroup